Quarter three, where have you gone?

October. Spooktember. Halloween month. Here we are again. Another quarter of 2018 gone and into the home stretch.

How’d you do this quarter? Did you accomplish your goals? Most of them? I hope so. ‘Cause I didn’t. I did… a few. I hit some other great milestones that weren’t on my Q3 2018 list, though, so that’s something. Having a short story published in Five on the Fifth was pretty amazing.

Did I plan to have Rat finished by now? Yes. Do I? No. Things change. We need to be okay with that. Sort of. It’s a difficult balance between being hard enough on yourself that you are motivated but not so hard that you de-motivate yourself.

That being said, I did not do well in quarter three. The podcast, The Genre Hustle, took off nicely, but most of my personal goals were not met.

So, I reflect, I take it in, and I get ready for Q4 2018. The second I’m done with this blog post, I’m going to write up my list.

A few updates!

We’ve recorded more than half of season two of The Genre Hustle already, but we’re taking a break until 2019. Thank Cthulhu for that, I need it. The podcast is a blast, but it is a lot of work. I’m going to enjoy having a bit of breathing space on that one.

I have two short stories in the works. One for Murder Park After Dark Volume II (yayyyy!) and the other for Three Crows magazine. Once those are done, I’m diving back into Rat, just in time for NaNoWriMo. I’ll be sure to keep you guys updated with my progress during the month of November.

Let’s end 2018 on an upswing, yeah? Yeah! What are some of your Q4 goals? Tweet them to me at @apthayer.

Stay frosty.

A.P. ThayerComment